Luna Cell Counters Win Gold Star Award

The LUNA™ family of automated cell counters from Logos Biosystems was awarded the SelectScience® Gold Seal of Quality at a special awards reception during the 2019 AACC annual scientific meeting and clinical lab expo in Anaheim, California, USA. SelectScience Seals of Quality are given to top-rated products that meet specific criteria based on the number and average rating of user reviews.

MyGel Instaview Complete Electrophoresis System BS-E1201


Accuris Instruments has taken innovation to the next level with their new InstaView electrophoresis systems.  These systems make the whole process of running DNA gels, viewing DNA bands and documenting results easy.  All without removing the gel!  And at a price that will turn heads.

Accuris InstaView Systems include a Gel Running Tank, Mini Blue LED Transilluminator, Gel Casting Set, Enclosure for Smart Phone imaging, and a Power Supply

Price: $1,350.00

Fluorescence Calibration Beads LB-F23102


LUNA Fluorescence Calibration Beads are used to calibrate the LUNA family of cell counters for fluorescence cell counting.

Product Description

Colorless beads in clear liquid

Bead content

480/520 nm

1 x 0.5 mL

4°C in the dark

Price: $190.00
