How to optimize homogenization protocols

Many tissue homogenizers come with suggested protocols to start your optimization. A quick way to optimize a protocol is to follow these three steps:

1. visual inspection: Run one or two minutes on the homogenizer, for example, two minutes with this yellow rose petal sample on 24 sample tissue homogenizer, and tilt the tube side ways, visually inspect the sample for visible tissue pieces. A good homogenization should yield a uniform liquid solution without visible tissue pieces.

2. microscope inspection: once you narrowed down the speed and time with a particular grinding bead type, take a few microliter of sample and inspect under microscope on a standard slide, or a disposable hemocytometer. Micrometer or less particles with uniform size distribution are ideal.

3. compare recovery rate with other conventional methodology. The last step is to set a comparison experiment with the same samples prepared by conventional method and new homogenization protocol. Compare the yield and integrity of RNA. DNA or protein.